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The Angel Chain was formed to offer hope and prayers during the Thanksgiving holiday. To date, The Angel Chain "Love Links" has donated nearly $16,000.oo. These donations have allowed us to help people going through very difficult times. We would like to share a few of their stories with you. These are real people with real stories. Please think about becoming a Love Link and join The Angel Chain.

2019 Recipient Stories:

With the love and generosity of all of our Love Links, the 2019 Angel Chain campaign was the largest on record. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to each of you who gave from your heart to help those in need. What a blessing each of you are!


We wanted to share our gifting stories with you to show you the impact your donations make. We have also added a short video to say thank you on the Angel Chain website. 

Story 1

A sudden job loss is certainly unexpected and can be very scary.  

A giving family, a family of deep faith, a family that has always put others first, a family now facing new challenges, such as this offers a family with many questions and concerns. 


That was the scenario for our first family. Our gifts to them meant so much. Beyond the help with household expenses, the feeling of love and generosity the family felt was profound. So much so that one of the first questions the family has, was “how do we get involved”? Proving the power of giving can be everlasting. 

Story 2

Sometimes in life, you meet people who inspire you. This is true with this recipient. No matter the difficulties facing her, this mother of two always offers a smile and an unwavering positive spirit. A true inspiration to everyone.

As a single mom, life can be hard enough. Having a child with special needs takes a very special person. Her strength and attitude are amazing.

Beyond the basic day-to-day expenses such as housing, auto repair, clothing, and food, the mounting medical bills for a special needs child can be daunting. The gifts provided to this family mean so very much during these difficult times. When words are hard to come by, tears of joy and gratitude speak loudly. “ I sometimes feel that we can’t get ahead, that we are alone in this, that what’s next is always looming” was words shared from the family. Knowing others care for us brings us much happiness and hope. 

Story 3

Sadly we all know someone touched by cancer. This year, Angel Chain was able to offer support to two families affected by this terrible disease. 


This diagnosis is unexpected and life-changing. This terrible news affects the entire family as much as the individual. The need to miss work to make important doctor appointments. The incredible costs of medical treatments. The low points due to treatments can shatter one's ability to function.

Being able to help others that are going through so much was our calling this year. Meeting with the family who does not know what tomorrow brings yet they feel hopeful because of the kindness shown by others. A shared message to all, from the families. “You are angles, your kindness will never be forgotten. 


Story 4

When fire ravages your home and destroys everything you have, your heart is simply broken. A local family felt this tremendous loss this holiday season. Thank the Lord that the family was away from home and everyone was safe. This was a blessing indeed.


The many other blessings were yet to be seen. Immediately, people from the surrounding communities along with The Love Links of The Angel Chain were able to offer immediate help to the family. The outpouring of love and support was amazing. To see and to be part of the healing process gives us hope that the good within people is ever-present.

2017 Recipient Stories:

Story 1

For the first time in the history of The Angel Chain, we gifted a family prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. The circumstances surrounding this family made it an easy decision to help as soon as possible. The Angel Chain received word form one of our love Links that the family was going through some very difficult times. You see, their son was dealing with a rare disease and the prognosis was grim.


The parents needed to take extended time from work to be with their son. This disease needed a great deal of treatment. The medical bills were daunting. They knew that the time remaining with their son was short, but it did not deter them from fighting every day. Their strength, love, and faith should be an inspiration to each of us. 


Although their son lost his fight, The Angel Chain made a lasting impression.


The family wanted to thank each of you for your prayers and donations. 

Blessings to each of you.


Story 2

How does one describe a person who gives unselfishly, yet struggles just to make ends meet? Loving? Caring? Giving? Each description works. I feel Blessing may be the best word of all.


Even through the most difficult times, our next recipient is always willing to give. Never feeling she was the one in need of help. 

Losing her husband a short time ago, she continues to work two jobs just to meet her bills and stay in her home.  Most may complain if the daily struggles were this great. Not the case here. A strong dedicated woman who always puts her family first and always has room to help others. 

Through her tears, she offered a heartfelt thank you to all of The Love Links. Because of the kindness, you showed it truly made for a blessed Thanksgiving. 


Story 3 

A job loss is something we all have or will face at some point. It is difficult to accept and even more difficult to think about  “what’s next”.


That was the case for our third recipient. Having a secure job was the norm. Providing for the family was something that was simple. 

When the news comes and all of those changes, life takes on a whole new perspective. 


I have had some very memorable experiences when delivering The Angle Chain gifts. However, none-like this.


Upon arrival, I was met in the driveway by the man of the house! He was certain I was there to sell him something. He informed me that neither he nor his wife was currently working. After a few awkward moments of trying to introduce myself and explain our mission, I was able to ease the tension. I expressed to him that we were not there to ask for money. We were there to offer them some.


A look of bewilderment appeared on his face. Followed shortly by tears.  The only words he could say as we departed were you know that you are an angel sent from God! I assured him that was very high praise. What a moment of joy for each of us! 



Story 4

A fire ravaged the lower portion of their home. Smoke and water damage destroyed a large area of the upstairs. What was a normal day turned into a nightmare. Imagine waking up to the sounds of smoke alarms in the middle of the night. Smoke so thick you can't see right in front of you. 


So many memories lost in just a moment. Pictures, antiques, and endless family treasures. None of which are replaceable. Times remembered then lost. 


Although many precious items were lost, the family was able to escape with minor smoke inhalation. In their words, it could have been worse, much worse.


Out fourth recipients worked hard all of their lives. That is what they do best. To be in need is very strange to them. The task to rebuild their home is underway. However, it is difficult. Needing to stay with relatives or at a hotel takes a toll. The expenses mount fast, very fast.


The gifts from The Angel Chain will go a very long way in recovery. The family is so grateful for all the generosity and kindness showed to them by perfect strangers. 


Needless to say, our Angle Chain had added another Love Link.


2016 Recipient Stories:

What will tomorrow bring?

Life was as normal for this family. But, what is normal? One really does not know until normal changes in a substantial way.

This year a very tragic accident took place that has impacted our recipient family now and forever. 

While helping with a simple relocation move, their son was crushed by the moving truck while it was backing to a loading dock. The accident left him in very critical condition. So critical in fact, they were unsure if he would live.

The impact of the accident left him with multiple fractures and other external injuries. However, it was the severity of the internal injuries that were life-threatening. 

Facing an infection that the doctors could not control, the outlook was very poor. With so many injuries and the immediate need to gain control of the infection, this family took to their one constant solitude, their faith in God.

They prayed each minute of each hour for strength and healing. For the infection to subside and be ridden of his body. They prayed for the doctors to administer and all care that was available.

A Mothers Love

How hard is it to be a single mom of two beautiful children? How much harder is it when you must protect yourself and your children from a very difficult relationship? 

The daily tasks of life seem simple to most of us. Get the kids up for school. Get ready for work. Prepare dinner. Keep up with the household chores. Provide for your family.

They can be simple when you have another person to help carry the load. 

When you are alone, the simplest of tasks becomes difficult.

For a time, the days were long and dark. However, the bright light of this mother was always visible. 

Never one to back down, never one to give up. Never one to say I give up.

2015 Recipient Stories:

Story 1

Through the very best of times and the very difficult times, this small town couple has always stayed at each other's side.

As high school sweethearts, it was easy to see their love was forever.

He a navy veteran, she the perfect caregiver to her parents. With the passing of her parents, medical issues now became her burden.

Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and then, later on, Parkinson's disease life became very difficult. Simple daily tasks such as eating, bathroom use became difficult.

Through the years of working in the timber business, he was exposed to Lyme's disease. This is a life long affliction. Now suffering from headaches, back pain due to an injury suffered while serving along with ulcers, every day is difficult.  

In a recent phone conversation, the recipients were overwhelmed by the generosity of The Angel Chain. Tears of joy filled his voice. The deepest gratitude for all those who helped them. A promise was made to become part of The Angel Chain. What a blessing that would be.



Story 2

Although tested, A family of deep faith has been relying heavily upon prayer to deal with uncertain and very serious medical issues suffered by their daughter. The strains on both time and finances have taken a large toll. With their daughter living out of sate, the ability to offer personal care is difficult. Taking substantial time off of work. Long weekend travels to the hospital, helping with medical and pharmaceutical bills have proven to be a daunting test. 

The medical challenge still looms today. The family will continue to search for answers. They will continue to seek out new medical trials. NO matter the challenge, you will do whatever you need to help your child.

"You have no idea what this means" were the words shared. "It has been a very difficult time in our lives". "We are truly grateful"



Story 3

Getting the news that your Mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer is difficult enough. Learning a short time later that you too have been diagnosed with this disease is overwhelming. However, this is what happened to this recipient. Facing the unknown, this brave woman decided to undergo serious surgery to rid cancer. She also took on the medical therapies and the side effects of them with the most positive attitude. 

As this challenge was not enough, the family received a second scare. A call from college letting them know that their son was suffering from serious and unknown heart issues. This required immediate out of state travel to determine what was happening and what they were facing. 

Although it remains very serious, by God's grace, the medical issue is treatable.

These challenges come at a very high cost. Substantial time from work and an already tight budget, the family was doing the best they could.

In accepting the gifts, tears filled her eyes. "we are so thankful for people like you" "People who reach out to others they don't even know"

"Thank you to all of you who gave our family so much"



Story 4

Never giving up on God's grace, this family has believed that God will always provide.

Family dynamics can pull a family apart. God can put them back together. "We may not understand the plan, but we know he will". 

Recently suffering a serious heart attack, the outlook was not good. "We were unsure of dad was going to make it" 

With prayer and the support of the entire family, the hope of survival grew stronger. "Seems everything does happen for a reason," our recipient said. "If God had me go through this to make our family stronger, I was happy it was me" 

With huge medical bills and a reduction in monthly income, our gifts came at the most perfect time. 

"We have so much to be thankful for". "And now we have even more to be thankful for" " We would like to give thanks to all those who thought of us. We pray for each of you and would like to share our gratitude. "this means so, so much"



Story 5

Is there anything more difficult for a parent to face than your child being ill and you can't fix it?

Like most teen girls, she was vibrant, athletic and full of life. How could a simple finger injury change all this?

Surgery was needed to repair a finger due to a sports-related injury. While recovering from this, it became clear to the family that something was terribly wrong. The energetic child they loved was now fighting to keep food down. The doctors and staff could not find reasons why but only knew that if they did not find an answer, her life could be forever changed. 

Months and months have gone by, yet no answers. Countless doctor visits. Second and third opinions. Yet no answer?

To see a beautiful young girl needing the aid of a feeding tube is unimaginable. Yet this is where we are today.

Our presentation to this family was so special. You could see the heartache on their faces. However, you could feel the love that was providing their strength.

"We are so grateful" How could perfect strangers want to help us?" "We are so thankful for all those who are helping us"

These gifts showed this family that love comes in different forms and from places unknown. 

We need to continue to pray for them. They have a long road ahead. 



Story 6

A serious fall can change life in an instant.

Rehabbing a broken back, a shattered knee and a torn shoulder is a difficult challenge. To do this virtually on your own is monumental. 

The lost time from work and the incredible medical costs are still affecting things every day. Coupled with limited ability, the road back has not been an easy one.

This, however, has not deterred him from working hard to get his health back and to set forth on home improvements that were shelved.

Not one to ask for help, he has taken on tasks more suited for a team of carpenters, not an individual with still on the mend. 

"The expense of hiring was simply not in the cards". "So like always, I may have bitten off a bit more than I should have".

In presenting the gifts, this man was left in awe. Although he declined to accept the gifts, we were able to convince him that everyone needs help from time to time. It just happens to be your time...

"This is difficult." "I am usually the one looking to help someone".

The gifts will go a long way in helping him get a few of these very needed improvements taken care of.

2014 Blessings


The 2014 Angel Chain campaign was our largest gifting year ever!


Thank you to all those who gave both your time and donations to help families enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday season. 


Through your efforts, The Angel Chain was able to help three local families this past year with significant support. 

Your contributions were so impactful to each of our new Angel Chain families, they will be forever grateful. 


Sadly, one of our families lost their loved one this past year. Yet, through all the sorry, they let us know that the joy that The Angel Chain provided was such a blessing. It came at at a time when the days were the darkest and hope felt lost. Knowing the impact our Angel Chain Love Links made on this family is the reason for The Angel Chain.


Thank you












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