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Love Links

With the assistance of many compassionate individuals, Angel Chain is able to thrive and help people in need during the holiday season. Below is a list of donors (Love Links) who have helped make Angel Chain possible. Thank you all for your support. 

Ashlee Adams
Pauline Adams

Jane Anderson
Mindy & Tim Aikens
Cindy & Fred Arnold
Deb Bastian
Cheryl & Dennis Bergmann
Susan & Ed Braun
Stacy & Doug Brzozowski
Bob & Bernie Cobleigh
Sue & Keith Daby
Pete Dahlquist
Linda & Ed DiMiceli 
Sandy & Paul Doubleday
Hank & Debbie Fredrichs
Lanette & Jim Fyksen

Debbie & Fred Gallant

Lynn & William Galovich


Donna & Chuck Goetsch

Allan & Joann Hallberg

Scott & Debbi Hallberg

Ruth Herdrich

Leann Hindman

Nancy Kreuger
Leann & Rick Ingraham

Mike Kelly
Michell & Mike Knapp
Jake Knight
Tammy & Michael Knoebel
Jennifer & Paul Kramer
Rick Kreuser
Susan Kuratowski

Sue Kwlakowski
Valerie Laperruque

Carolyn Laufer
Kayla Lebeck & Jason Sands
Martha & Tim Main

Connie Marks

Judy McCaige

Susan Moscinski Family
Lora & Don Murray

Terri & Jeff Nelson

Lea Olmstead

Marian & Steve Olmstead

Debbie & Kent Olson

Alice Peterson
Dennis & Chris Peterson
Jeff & Jolene Pyatt

Justin & Nancy Pyatt

Jamie Pyatt

Eleanore & Phillip Rebensberg
Kristie & Eric Schieble
Kristina & Dan Schlafer
Becky Schweiner
Bonnie Snow
Ginger & Rick Sorenson
Kristine & Victor Sprtel
Jan Switzki

Tailored Label 

Nancy Tetzlaff
Judy & Randy Ware
Kelly & Dustin Woyak
Donna & David Woyak
Sarah Zamecnik
Gayle & Bill Zamecnik
Nathan & Holly Zamecnik
Mary & Bob Zentgraf

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