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Beginning in November of 2008, The Angel Chain was created to help others who have been less fortunate throughout the year. Our goal was to let others know that they are thought of and cared for. Offering them the opportunity to be thankful on this joyous holiday. Difficult times can easily take over our lives. We can dwell on the small negatives, or we can focus on the larger blessings that still remain.




All proceeds go to benefit selected families or individuals. Currently all our recipients come to us through word of mouth. We do not have a special formula to use when selecting who may be gifted. Simply put, the more donations we receive, the more we can offer to others. All of us know of a family or individual who may be struggling. Each with a different story or circumstance. However, they all share a common thread, they could use support from others.




If you are interested in becoming a “link” to the Angel Chain, we would be honored to have you. We are looking to grow more each day with people just like you. Those who want to help others.

Become a "link". Recieve this Angel Chain bracelt when you make a donation of $100.00 or more.  

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