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2019 Campaign Goals

As this is the 10-year celebration of The Angel Chain, I wanted to share a personal message for all The Love Links that make up The Angel Chain.

Our start was small and our platform was simple. Help those who need help. Thanksgiving is a special time of the year. It is the time of year to reflect on our blessings and to give thanks for each of them. It is also a time to share our blessings with others. There could not be a more perfect time of the year for the Angle Chain to make a difference in the lives of those struggling. 


As mentioned, The Angle Chain started small. In the beginning, we had only a few Love Links involved. Today, this number has grown to nearly 100 contributors. We would like to welcome all our new Love Links this year and offer them a special thank you for joining our cause.

To all of those who have been supporting The Angel Chain from the start, we cannot thank you enough for your support, generosity, and love. 


Because of each of you, the 2019 Angel Chain was our largest gifting year on record. With over $7000.00 donated, The Angel Chain has been able to dramatically impact the lives of local families. Families dealing with sudden job loss and mounting bills, single moms with special needs children. Families affected by terrible medical issues.  Everyday people like us that need the uplifting of others to make their holiday season just a bit easier. 


Please know that each of you is deeply appreciated for your kindness and that our recipients offer their thanks and gratitude. You have made an immeasurable difference in so many lives.  


From all of us here at The Angle Chain, Thank you for being the special people you are. Thank you for your continued support. Remember to make a difference every day. 


Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas, And may God continue to bless you and your family. 


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